
    Making games with passion
🤗❤️UMeFate First Ever Fan Made Early Tech Demo Gameplay #42
Hello everyone. UMeFate would like to announce that we had our first ever fan made gameplay, made by @Tommy_Vercetti_yt. 🤗❤️
Want to help? Whishlist us on Steam (With Pre-Alpha Experimental Playtest Demo)

Hello everyone. 

UMeFate would like to announce that we had our first ever fan made gameplay, made by @Tommy_Vercetti_yt. 🤗❤️

We want to say great gratitude to the creator for this endeavour, the showcase and their creativity, on such an early tech demo from October 2024. Especially since the current published tech demo is far from being polished, so the challenge was even greater. And in fact its current state is very limiting and buggy.

What Video Is Featuring

- Playing on UMeFate v0.0.8 Pre-Alpha Tech Demo (Dev Build) (A release from October 2024).

- Showcasing reassembling of the house and their room, with great creativity.

- Rooms highlighted: kitchen, bedroom, cabinet, gaming room 😎🌟, idk 😅.

- Character navigation.

- Building doorway.

Again, many thanks to the creator, for reaching out and sharing their work. 🌟

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