
    Making games with passion
🛠️🌏UMeFate Map Editor And Creating Floors #43
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Hi All, 😊 Today UMeFate wants to present the progress on building the floors in a map editor. At the moment, floors are still in a polishing phase and bugs hunting. This will require a long time effort, to get the right feeling. But all step by step.
🤗❤️UMeFate First Ever Fan Made Early Tech Demo Gameplay #42
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Hello everyone. UMeFate would like to announce that we had our first ever fan made gameplay, made by @Tommy_Vercetti_yt. 🤗❤️
🛠️🌏Map Editor Loading And Saving Constructs #41
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Hello dear UMes. 🤗 Past two weeks UMeFate was focusing effort on improving map editor and implementing saving and loading constructions, like houses on land plots. Long term idea is to allow players to share their own creations. But also, later to allow game mechanics to load constructs into land plots at the runtime.
🛠️🌏Map Editor And Constructions On Land Plots #40
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Today UMeFate team presents a quick update on the progress of map editor and basics constructing on land plots. UMes are in a phase of improving the map editor and to allow making ground floor construction buildings.
🌏Mountains roads land plots in action and map editor #39
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Nearly 2 months past, since UMeFate last blog post. But I can assure you, UMes were working hard. Well for most of the part, besides chilling during x-mas period and NewYear 🍾🎇
🛠️Creating tools for roads and land plots as part of modding (technical) #38
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Last month major focus was on improving land plots and developing tools, to help creating world. Also to support later modding features. In this post, there is a bit of mechanics and some technical discussions.
UMeFate Roadmap #37
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
UMeFate updates first roadmap, detailing near future development plans for Pre-Alpha.
UMeFate has pushed update version 0.0.8 to Steam #36
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Adding many small and yet critical changes, to be able move forward.
In preparation for next small update 0.0.7 #35
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
UMeFate is working toward preparing a new update v0.0.7.
In the process of refurbishing ingame UI, to be more intuitive #34
By Antypodish | | 0 Comments |
Still working on making things more intuitive.
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