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Slowly Implementing Walls Building Mechanics #18
In this next vid update, I showcase basics walls building mechanics implementation to the main game, with snapping and auto generating rooms feature.
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here is a lot of underlining code that has been written and took multiple iterations past few weeks, which will allow further performance optimization and potential interactions. There is also other part of code related to that, which is not visible to this.

Basics land plots also are supported now.

Following that, saving and loading structures was written for that system. Further work need to be done here. As well, as on many other levels.

Still I need to improve few things and got some bugs to catch. However I need door way implementation, which allows enclose and set rooms, while characters can move freely in and out. And obviously, floors are missing. For now I will leave windows and roofs, to be worked in the future.

What special about rooms is, that they will allow be assigned to characters. Meaning, each character will be able to have own, or shared room, or flat. Or to create special function for rooms. I.e. limit certain type of characters, which can not enter kitchen. Or go and spend time in the community room. Or some venue special room place.

Another thing which I now will be starting working on, is rooms having assigned objects. For example let character sleep only in the bed in own room. Or don't use PC, or entertainment items in the sibling's room. Or find audio entertainment in the club, to have some fun.

Just some of potential examples. Lots of these are meant to be driven by lua. TODO.

After basics core of these mechanics is done, I will be move onto AI. Which is the most exciting time for me to go for.


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