So it begins. The rise of the AntyVersum, passion driven games creation. That means not only that games will be just created. But wanting creating games, which are inspired and driven by years of gaming experience and cultural amazing evolution of games. One would say a big words. But that doesn't conflict with starting something small and equally passionate.
Saying that AntyVersum has vision for years to come, to create various of games, smaller and larger ones. Hence uni-Versum in the name. The journey is expected to be lengthy. But that is not an obstruction at all, but rather something to look forward. It is expected to hit many challenges on the route. But what is a journey without challenges. At this point AntyVersum is still setting up. Mostly basics requirements are done, but rough at the edges. These will be polished over the time in the future.
Can not just leave this post with empty words. So to backup about plans and own goals to reach, AntyVersum has already started on development new game, about which, you can read more in AirFlow: Sky Is The Limit. This is very early stage of development and is expected to take time. But thats alright. There need to be beginning somewhere.

Inspirations for many games that aiming to be created, are reaching 90s and 2000s years. Feeling for some need of fresh breeze in multiple game niche, or mix of them, which feeling are a bit understaffed in some areas atm. This of course can change, as technology progress.
One of goals for games creation by AntyVersum, is to utilize computing power available on average consumer hardware. Doesn't mean game must be simple, or even small. In fact, wanting to utilize processing power of CPU, which often sits mostly idle. Effectively executing that, can open path for creating very interesting game mechanics. But that is yet to be seen, how it will turn out in long run.