
    Making games with passion
UMeFate Sim Prototype: Implementing LuaJIT, to gain more performance #8
So looks like Lua JIT is working. It solved some issue of previous Lua. One issue is outstanding. But doesn't actually stops me from moving forward. Now I am a bit further, in comparison to previous Lua. I will be ruining more test, as I will be building features around it.
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This is important, that I build framework with lua from day 1, as this will be forcing to build moddable environment.

So what for example (not limited to) will be possible eventually.

- Spawning agents / NPC anywhere

- Giving them destination where to go.

- Listen when arrived

- Lua will be decision making about what happens and when.

- For example Lua made logic will dictate, how long task will take, how to observe near world. What to do next.

- Engine will give information on current priority of the task, that is using Utility AI, like in The Sims franchise. Like hunger, sleep, or wish to do A or B as aspiration.

- If I implement this correctly, there shouldn't be specific limitations on priority task, beside what is in lua, and if processing power allows to. A bit of gray area atm.

- Other thing in near future I want to be more controllable from lua, is how to build things. I.e. walls and floors. Consider type of grid and walls angles, etc.

This way, mechanics of building will be up to modders. It is matter of exposing enough data to potential modders. I will implement enough core feature, to make something to start off. And as reference points to study moddable Lua code. After mechanics base mechanics is settled, there will be time, to look a bit into graphics. But that is open ended matter, regarding what kind of graphic style to go for.

Project use Unity HDRP, so there is that. Fun place for modders, who love playing with shaders.

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